• Recovery Coaching

    Our services can be completed via in-person meetings or remotely via video calls, phone calls, or online platforms.

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

At Bridging Capacity, we are committed to providing comprehensive recovery coaching services to individuals living with psychosocial disability. Our service delivery model is designed to empower participants on their journey towards well-being and independence.

Building Trusting Relationships

  • Our dedicated coaches establish meaningful connections with participants, fostering a sense of hope and trust.

Personalised Recovery Plans

  • We collaborate with participants to create tailored recovery plans, outlining specific goals, strategies, and resources for their unique journey.

Enhancing Recovery Skills

  • Our expert coaches offer targeted guidance to help participants develop vital recovery skills, such as motivation, decision-making, and self-empowerment.

Recovery-Oriented Supports

  • We ensure that all forms of support provided are aligned with a recovery-oriented approach, promoting independence and resilience.

NDIS Engagement Assistance

  • Our team supports participants in effectively engaging with the NDIS, facilitating access to essential services and supports.

Plan Implementation Coordination

  • We work collaboratively with participants, their families, carers, and relevant service providers to implement the recovery plan, ensuring seamless execution.

Through our client-centered approach, Bridging Capacity strives to be a beacon of support and encouragement for individuals navigating their recovery journey. We are dedicated to providing the tools and guidance needed to achieve optimal personal, social, and emotional well-being.

Other Services

Support Coordination

Assistance with Planning and Budgeting